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Camp Berryville Staff Application
Step One: I know what I'm applying for.
Please check each box to indicate your understanding of the following:
I am applying for full-time, full-summer employment working with multiple young children.
If selected, I will be available to work from 7:30 to 5:30 pm, four days per week, for nine to eleven weeks.
I'm aware that this is a day camp position in Berryville, Arkansas that does not include room and board.
Indicates required field
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
How long have you been at this address?
Phone Number
Social Security Number
Emergency Contact: Please list a name and phone number of someone we could contact if you were sick or injured.
Check if the following statements are true:
I am 18 years of age or older.
I am currently employed
You may contact my present employer.
I have no visa or immigration status that would keep me from becoming lawfully employed.
Have you ever applied to the City of Berryville for employment before?
I have been convicted of a crime. (more info to follow below)
I have been in the U.S. Armed Forces.
I am now a member of the National Guard.
If applicable, list military specialty and rank, date entered, and discharge date.
Step Two: Education and Background.
Please list schools you have attended in consecutive order from high school on. Share the type of school, school name, location, number of years completed, and major and degree for each.
If you were referred by someone, please list their name.
Please list any special skills or activities that you can bring to being a day camp counselor.
If you have ever been convicted of a crime, explain number of convictions, nature of the offense(s), how recently each was committed, sentences imposed, and types of rehabilitation.
Please list two references other than relatives or previous employers. Include name, position, company, address or email address, and telephone number. Reference #1:
Please list two references other than relatives or previous employers. Include name, position, company, address or email address, and telephone number. Reference #2:
Step Three: Work Experience.
Please list your past three employers beginning with your most recent job. (If you were self-employed, give your firm's name.) Include employer's name and address, telephone and email address of your last supervisor, employment start and stop dates, and your starting and final salary. Please share your reason for leaving each position as well.
Which of these jobs did you like best?
What did you like most about your favorite?
Step Four: The Official Stuff.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: I certify that all information submitted by me on this application is true and complete. I understand that if any false information, omissions, or misrepresentations are discovered, my application may be rejected and if I am employed, my employment may be terminated at any time. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the City's rules and regulations. I agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice at any time, at either my or the City's option. I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of my employment may be changed, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, by the City. I hereby type my full name AND today's date below to act as my signature, acknowledging these statements.
The City of Berryville is an equal opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, or disability. We assure you that your opportunity for employment depends solely upon your qualifications.
We will be reviewing applications and scheduling interviews as they arrive, and it may take some time to form our 2022 staff team. If this form is still available, we are still considering applicants; once it disappears, we have hired our staff for 2022. You may verify your application's receipt, if desired, by emailing
[email protected]
with the subject line "Camp Berryville 2022 Staff Application verification".
Thank you for completing this application and for your interest in the city of Berryville and joining the Camp Berryville staff.
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